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Morning Rituals

Morning Rituals


I do this every morning.

1 . Pull an espresso shot

I bought an espresso machine in February. The coffee folks on the internet recommend that it warms up 20 minutes before you attempt pulling an espresso. I finish the rest of my ritual before I actually pull an espresso shot.

2 . Take my morning medications

I would say that this is the most important thing I do in the morning. My whole week is wrecked if I forget to take my hypothyroid medication.

3 . Stand in the sun

My mother is quite insistent that I stand in the sun first thing in the morning for at least 5 minutes. I think that this only minimally helps with my vitamin D deficiency, but it is quite nice.

4 . Listen to an audiobook or podcast

Living alone + Working from home = Foggy voice during video calls

I need to warm up my brain by listening to others speak. I have standing meetings at 10:30 every day, and it is so hard to jump into them after 12+ hours of not speaking. Some of my favorite podcasts are the Monocle Magazine news podcasts.



The Grove during COVID-19

The Grove during COVID-19